

This trip starts in Oslo and ends in Bergen. Oslo is an international airport, so there’s tons of options to get there. Oslo has plenty of nonstop flights to major European gateways so there’s many options to get back home from there. Many airlines fly to Oslo from the US, so you will have tons of options to get to Norway. If you are arriving early or staying later, please let us know and we will contact our supplier to get a group rate at the hotel so you only have to check in once.
You can easily route your flights using to view the best way to get to and from destinations. We also recommend using Google Flights to compare the different airlines and their prices/routes. ALWAYS book your flights direct on and airline’s website and don’t use third-party sites. You don’t want to have issues in travel and must rely on calling a third-party for assistance. Airlines will not speak with you directly about third-party bookings.


Norway’s currency is the Norwegian Krone. The Nordics and Scandinavia region is also known to be more expensive for shopping and eating, so be prepared for a higher price tag than you see in the US or other places in Europe.
Credit cards are accepted almost everywhere we are, however if you want cash, you will also be able to find ATMs almost everywhere we go. Try downloading a currency app like XE Currency to see the most current currency conversion.


There are not any visas or vaccines required to visit Norway.
The entry requirements for US citizens to visit these countries is a passport with at least 6 months of validity and 1 blank page. For more information, please visit the State Department website here.
There are not vaccination requirements to visit Norway as of June 19, 2023, but we always recommend checking Sherpa travel requirements that are updated by the government. That site can be found here.


Norway uses the standard Europlug socket with two round prongs.

Click here to purchase your adapter/converter and see other travel accessories that will be great for this trip.


Each traveler will be expected to tip each day guide 5 EUR per person. Drivers are expected to be given 3 EUR per person. While Euros are preferred, USD dollars are accepted, but just make sure the bills are crisp with no tears. You will need to have this cash ready before each tour to give your guides/drivers at the end of their service.


While we will be visiting Norway at the beginning of the summer, the weather is still chilly. Expect the weather to range between 40-60 degrees Fahrenheit. There is also the possibility of rain while there. Most days will be overcast, but we may be lucky with days and moment of sunshine.

What to Wear
This trip is a mix of relaxation and activity. We recommend packing comfortable layers, walking/hiking shoes, and a rain jacket. There is no place we go with a dressy dress code, so feel free to come as you are and wear what you most comfortable in. I also recommend bringing at least 2 sweaters and polartecs to layer over your layers and under your rain jacket if need be. While on the ferry, it can be chilly if you go outside, so a hat, gloves, and scarf are a good idea!


We are staying at 3-star and 4-star accommodations. Each place will have a private bathroom in the room with a safe. All the places will also have heating and air. There will also be hotels/bars on site.


Norway is a notoriously safe places to visit. As always when you travel, be aware of your surroundings and belongings to avoid petty theft.


Norway is Europe’s great parkland: a dramatic mix of mountains, seas, forests and fjords. While the country has tidy cities, historic buildings and distinctive artists, nature is clearly its prime attraction. We think it’s one of the loveliest countries in the world, summer or winter, andthe prime travel destination in Scandinavia.

The country has astonishing variety: The serene rural landscapes around Oslo are nothing like the deep fjords along the western coast, and the countryside along the zigzagging roads to Bergen could not be more unlike the stark, barren land around Alta or the sunny coves of the south coast.

Norway is first and foremost a maritime nation, and most of its population lives along the coast or on the hundreds of coastal islands, where the weather is moderated by the Gulf Stream. The most spectacular fjords are scattered along the west coast, where Norway meets the Barents, Norwegian and North seas. The country’s eastern border abuts Sweden, Finland and Russia.
The interior of Norway, which is much colder than the coast, is dominated by rugged mountains and pine forests. Part of Norway lies above the Arctic Circle.

The Sami people reside in the northern part of the country. The Sami, known to many as Lapps (although this expression is extremely impolite and offensive and should never be used) have their own language, heritage and ethnic line that differ from the rest of Norway. The Sami have traditionally been nomadic reindeer herders who move with their herds. Unfortunately, as the modern world encroaches and country borders restrict movement, many Sami people have been forced to abandon their traditional lifestyles to take regular jobs. Some have moved south to Oslo. The Sami Parliament resides in Karasjohka and deals with issues pertaining to the needs of its people. The Sami are intelligent hunters and are known for their extremely beautiful handicrafts.

The country’s national identity is hard to separate from the Vikings or Norsemen who set out by sea to conquer the world—and met with a surprising degree of success. The Norse explorer Leif Eriksson may well have been the first European to visit North America, around AD 1000 (predating Columbus by about 500 years). It’s thought that he landed in Labrador and Newfoundland, and perhaps as far south as New England. He established a settlement known as Vinland, believed to have been at L’Anse aux Meadows in Newfoundland.

The Black Death reached Norway in 1349, killing an estimated two-thirds of the population and leaving the weakened nation easy prey for its powerful Scandinavian neighbors. For more than 500 years, Norway was governed by Denmark or Sweden, who treated it as a rustic, uncultured backwater. It was not until 1905 that the country finally regained its independence. This relatively recent transformation to nationhood helps explain the deep-rooted patriotism of most Norwegians. When Norway was overrun by Germany during World War II, resistance was fierce —everyone from schoolteachers to fishermen organized to fight against the occupation.
Contemporary Norwegians take pride in the cultural accomplishments of such Norwegians as playwright Henrik Ibsen, artist Edvard Munch and composer Edvard Grieg. Being devotees of the outdoors, they are equally proud of their present-day athletic heroes and heroines, be they soccer players, skiers, skaters or runners.

The Norwegian standard of living is among the highest in the world, in part because the country is almost self-sufficient in its energy needs (more than 95% of which are supplied by hydroelectricity, with some use of biomass and wind power. Plus, it’s among the world’s largest oil exporters, thanks to its North Sea reserves.

Among the other achievements of modern Norwegian society is a deep-down and thorough appreciation of the equality of women—both in theory and in practice. (Norway was one of the first countries in the world to give women the right to vote.)