Giving Back


Travel has the ability to change our lives as we explore new regions, lifestyles, and world views. Traveling with You Can’t Steal My Happy gives you the opportunity to grow, transform, and support the communities we visit. Below are a few ways we elevate travel by connecting it to a greater purpose


This is a direct way we give back to local communities while traveling. We select lodgings that put the money you spend directly into the hands of local community members. Staying at local hotels and B&Bs offer a more culturally rich experience by incorporating local art, cuisine and access to unique locations.


During your YCSMH trip, our knowledgable local guides will engage you in the region’s culture and history while providing meaningful insight into customs and the current political climate. Our guides love our happy groups because we treat them as one of us. They often share their personal stories and experiences with us which enriches your learning experience.


One of the best and tastiest ways to connect with and support the local community is through food. What better way to experience local culture than through a meal? Locals pride themselves on preparing and sharing authentic cuisine. Dining in local establishments not only supports small business owners but ensures you an authentic experience.We make a great effort to have our meals support the local community while traveling with YCSMH.


Are you always on the hunt to find a unique item to bring home or give as a gift to family and friends? Many of our YCSMH itineraries include a visit to a local market. These markets offer an unparalleled opportunity to connect with a wide variety of people and further support local community members such as farmers, artisans, craftsmen, and creators.


We bring culture into our itineraries by visiting local museums and historical sites so you can gain insight into a region’s culture and an alluring glimpse into its past. Supporting these places also helps preserve cultural heritage.


There are always ways to contribute to local needs. One of our favorite ways to give back is to volunteer some of our time and resources to help local communities. Many of our trips have a “give back” opportunity on the itinerary.